Disaster Management Plan - Major Weather Event

Ahh yes, Mother Nature has been showing us once again who is truly boss these past couple of days and leaving quite a trail of destruction in her wake. No doubt maintenance requests are coming through in droves for our busy PM’s out there and we’re hoping to help you a little bit by supplying you with a Disaster Management Plan you can use and implement into your offices if you don’t already have something in place.

You can find this plan here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EFmVxarzvvJkHSmL_FAinRQ225rKvm8_W5-MVEyl6k4/mobilebasic

Alternatively, if you guys have something you are doing differently in your offices (or similar!), it would be great if you could please share.

We hope everyone is staying safe and dry and well away from those flood waters!


Sending you safe wishes everyone in QLD and AU… Great idea @rikki to dust off this policy doc and get ready over the busy season.

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Just curious … since your on the other side of the world and if a disaster is not likely to affect us all at once. (unless we have to build and ark - but that is another discussion)

Is someone over there using buildium who might want to partner as each others backup?

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@glenn isn’t Buidium property management software? Does it do other stuff as well?

Just property management software. Trying to teach it how to make :bacon:, :fried_egg: and :coffee:. :smiley:

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Once you work THAT out @glenn - can you please make sure you let us know? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I bought a coffee maker once that was supposed to wash my car, according to the salesman. That feature has never worked :thinking: