How do you rally your team around your business goals?

Often as leaders, we feel isolated from the team when trying to implement our business goals. This is often our own fault because we don’t include the team or they just simply don’t know our ambitions.

We talk about doing annual team planning days and quarterly reviews to get the team involved in our plans and ambitions, but how do we we include them in the everyday, to keep them involved and contributing?


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I have shared this before in here, but this is an image we have on our office wall. (Excuse the amateur Photograph!)

As a team, we set a growth goal, and we set a reward at the end (trip to Fiji, hence the tropical island picture) as we grow to this point we celebrate each milestone.

Its part of a layered approach, but visualizing our goals helps rally the team on what we are trying to do as a business.

Love to hear some other peoples ideas…


That’s awesome @ashley.giles The wall looks great.