Landlord Communication

As property managers, it is no secret that when things get busy, our landlord communication takes second tier to getting the work done. The trick here is to find ways to integrate your landlord communication into the tasks that you are doing so it doesn’t feel like an extra chore. Two things happen here. Once it becomes part of a process it can no longer be dropped or you are now skipping part of a process, and two, consider ways we can automate this process using our existing technology so we are still updating our client with little effort and it still forms part of a process that we shouldn’t skip.

Most cloud-based property management platforms and maintenance platforms allow the automated triggering of emails to clients during events, such as maintenance being received, booked or paid. This is a great way of dealing with landlord communications.

I’m keen to hear what other people are doing to ensure communication standards are being maintained for our clients.

Hi Adam,

We changed last year to PropertyMe. This cloud-based software has improved our communication with landlords & tenants. Automated responses for maintenance has reduced our detractor responses from our NPS program.

In addition, we have implemented a policy around owner phone communication.

Property Managers now must make at least 5 Peak Moment phone calls each year, they are:

  1. Accepting a tenant
  2. Annual PM periodic inspection (Our leasing partners conduct 3 of 4 inspections a year, PM 1)
  3. Lease renewal (phone call first to discuss recommendations then email CMA & back up info)
  4. Vacation tenant notification
  5. End of Tenancy final inspection

All of the above touchpoints have strengthened the Property Managers relationship with their landlords and have improved our overall NPS responses.

Win win for everyone

Peter Treacy
Team Leader & Senior Property Manager


Hi @petert Welcome to forums. It’s great to have you here. Thanks for sharing what you are doing with Property Me. I think it is not only great that you have embraced the features of your new platform but you have also added extra customer-centric steps to lift the bat even higher. Would you mind sharing how much your NPS has improved by implementing these things?

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Hi Adam

We’ve integrated Palace with Ask Nicely (a high-flying dedicated NPS platform) which works for both tenants and owners. These surveys are simple and can be automated by triggers so they’re not an extra manual step. You can see more here: or at


That’s awesome @michael thanks for letting us know. These sorts of little hacks make the world of difference for us when trying to improve the way we communicate with our clients