Tasks associated with a name change

Hi there guys,

Well we have now all but morphed ourselves from “Integrity Asset Management” to “The Rental Experts” and what a task it has been. Not until you start to get things underway do you realise exactly how many different things there are, that need to be changed. From the simplest of things such as phone messages, right up to compliance documents, new logos and social media etc etc.

Should anyone be looking at doing the same, please ensure you give yourself double the time you initially think it’s going to take.

Regards Russ


Thanks for the update @russell.kirby I don’t suppose you created a checklist along the way, did you?

Hi Adam,

Yes I do. It’s a simple excel spreadsheet which I’m happy to pass on for people to use as a guide. I will email it to you as it seems to not want to let me upload into this platform.

Regards Russ

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Got it @russell.kirby. Thanks