Welcome @Hayley_Stevenson you can introduce yourself to the community here.

Hi All.

Excited to be part of the forum, lots of interesting topics for us to be a part of.

I am part of a team of 9 operating from Queenstown. We are a small office with lots of big ideas so happy to share with the group.


Welcome to the LPMA Forum Hayley. :smiley:

Thanks Michael

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Hi Hayley. Although over the ditch, happy to share our knowledge and our templates etc with you guys.

Regards Russ

Hi I am Eloise, I have been with jacksonwall management now for the past 5 years and I wouldn’t change it. I have been watching @adamhooley webinars for the past 18 months and I have to say I look forward to them, learning something new everyday, I do the day to day property management work and I absolutely love my job, don’t get me wrong some day’s are harder than others but when you work with the likes of @louiseschofield it doesn’t seem like work. I look forward to reading your posts and helping if I can. Eloise


Hi Eloise,

Welcome and I agree about Adam. He’s a very knowledgeable guy and I have picked his brains a number of times. His one on ones are very good.

I’m always happy to help if you need something so just let me know.

Regards Russ


Hi Everyone,

I am Peter Treacy and have over 20 years’ experience in Property Management, my motto continues to be, keep it simple, do it well.

I am a two time winner of our LPMA Award for Excellence – Property Manager, five time recipient of the REISA Property Manager of the Year and in 2018, was inducted into the Real Estate Institutes Hall of Fame, the first Property Manager to be bestowed this honour in South Australia.

I am looking forward to catching up with many of you at our next in person conference.

Stay safe.


Very much looking forward to face to face conferences


Hi I am Colleen Topping from Home & Co in Wanaka, New Zealand. We are a boutique property management company which opened in 2014. I have been in the industry for 18 years now. The first 10 of those were spent learning from @Hayley_Stevenson and I must say she taught me most of what I know. Not that in property management you have ever seen or learned it all! I enjoy the LPMA webinars - thank you @adamhooley . I look forward to reading and contributing to the posts.


Welcome @rent we look forward to hearing more from you on the forums :slight_smile:

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I have been reading alot on social media about PM’s not liking their job and wanting to leave, is the job too hard? too many hours that are required to do the job? or not the right work environment. I have to honestly say working with the people I work with makes my job so much easier and I have to wonder if their office culture is the same as my team, or am I just a lucky one? Don’t get me wrong there are days that are more stressful, but I find talking about day to day issues with a boss that understands and likes to help me makes my job so much better.


Thanks for posting @eloisewilkinson In many cases PM’s often felt isolated and unsupported from their team. This often leads to extra pressure to work in silos trying to solve their own problems. You do have a very unique environment working for an LPMA elite office.

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Hi, my name is Tara and I work for Ray White Rural Dungog and have been with this office for almost 10 years and in Real Estate for around 15 years. I am passionate about Property Management and have a great team and work closely with Ray White Gloucester and jacksonwall (Louise Schofield and Eloise Wilkinson). I also have a couple of different hats (as we all do in Property Management!) such as BDM and Senior Property Manager. Looking forward to being in this group and getting to know everyone!



Hi, my name is Eden Marsters and I work for Quality Rental Management as Admin Manager. Happy to be part of the LPMA team with like minded people. :grin:


Hi everyone, Sandra here from B&N Properties. So excited to be part of the LPMA family, looking forward to learn new tricks and ways to improve and grow our business.



Hi All,

My name is Emma Allen and I am the Head of Property Management at Investors Edge Real Estate and have been here for almost 11 years.

We are a predominately Property management focused agency and have a wonderful team that we work with, so it makes the job all the more enjoyable.

I look forward to learning new ideas from you all on this platform :slight_smile:


Welcome to the LPMA Community Forums @Emma_Allen. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey I thought Rikki left a while ago?


Hi everyone,

Cameron Fyfe here, Head property manager for Quality Rental Management.
Just dipping my toes in the water with my first webinar on here and the water feels perfect.
Great webinar to start things off, although from 2018, still extremely relevant!
Looking forward to the next gem I find on here!