3 Month Check In's

I was speaking with a member office last week, they have just implemented a “One Month Tenant Check-in” and a “3-month owner check-in” from the General Manager of the business.

They have had huge success in short-circuiting problems, but also of clients feeling valued and important. This has been a big step in them being looped into problems before they become a crisis.

Do you have a similar system or process in your business? I would love to know what you do to ensure that your touching base with your clients, and your client’s clients at key points.

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@ashley.giles I actually used to do the 1 month check-in with every new business customer. I’d introduce myself and seek feedback on how their journey had been to date. Our new business team was in a different location to our PM team so it was an efficient way of ensuring that our PM team were delivering on the promise that our new business team was making to our new customers.