External Training & Courses for Your Team

External training for your team is important to keep them engaged and learning new things. This is also a great opportunity for these team members to bring awesome new ideas back into the business so it can also continue to evolve. I’m referring more to leadership training or business training, things that allow them to develop personally.

Do you both encourage and compensate these team members to attend external training? In the past, I have given each employee a $1,000 budget and allowed them to spend it however they like on external training or courses that will help them improve their careers.

What are other offices doing to encourage team members to attend external training?

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Hey @adam. Other than sending everyone in our office to the LPMA conference (yep, shameless plug! :)) We give our team a budget and ask them to research what events are around for them to go to.

Our BDM does this more than the PM’s for obvious reasons, but we work hard to try to get the team to be across their own upskilling.

We also have a library of property and business books we encourage the team to read from, I would like to get a Book Club style event happening in our business, Ailo does this very well and its hugely rewarding.

Also, recently as our team is bigger we have started doing our own training days. We go offsite and run a full day event with outside speakers, team challenges, trainings and collaboration exercises. It has been a well needed layer to the conferences and external trainings.

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That awesome @ashley.giles Using the multi prong approach to cover all bases. I like the idea of allowing then either access to or reimbursing them for books. They aren’t expensive given the ideas that often come out of them.

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