KPIS & Bonus

Hi Everyone! I have had a few people ask about the bonus scheme I was talking about at the LPMANZ connection day. It wont let me attached on here so I created a link for those who would like it.


Fantastic! This is super… I know a few people have been asking me too, I will direct them here. Good job on this, KPI’s are not easy this set looks very complete. @adam you have a lot of experience in this area, would there be anything at all you would add to this?

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I forgot to mention $10k per year potential.

I have done a couple of different versions @ashley.giles of incentivizing property managers. Sarah’s is much more detailed than mine. I feel like I may have been to harsh now! The one that I find the easiest is to split the KPIs between customer and internal. So they might have 10 KPIs and they are required to get any 8 out of 10 to qualify. They also have an NPS which they were required to get +25 to qualify. They had to qualify in both to receive the bonus and the bonus was 1.5% portfolio revenue.


Like that you have the ‘pass go’ of the Customer Satisfaction score, @Sarah!


@murrayhome This would be of interest to you after our conversation in NZ. Do also feel free to reach out to Sarah directly, she is happy to share her ideas and successes.

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Hello all, I’d love to revisit this and see how I can incentivize our property management team and leasing team - would anyone care to share what they’re doing? We have the basic half weeks leasing fee for new business but what about standards of arrears, lease renewals, vacancy rates etc? Google reviews ? The above link looks to have expired and I’m keen to implement some big changes to Pm agreements this year to keep the focus on great customer service and reward and recognition for those on task

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