NPS Software

Hey Guys,
In your experience who is the best NPS software provider for our industry?

What are some must have features when selecting NPS software


Hey Dan

We’re pretty old school here! We send out surveys and then collate the data via spreadsheet each month to ascertain our NPS score. Sounds time consuming but the data collation takes 5 minutes per month.

As I say, old school but it works.

We find the surveys have played a huge part in our overall service - the feedback allows us to pinpoint areas and we can easily track the changes/improvments over time based on results. We survey tenants on two occasions and landlords on two ocassions. (we use JotForm)



Thanks Cherie, There is nothing wrong with Old School if it works, which it sounds like it does for you. Out of interest what are the two touch points for Tenants and Landlords that you use as triggers for the survey?


Hi Dan,

We have been using Ailo Insights for almost 2 years, the automation is great as it plugs straight into Property Me so you don’t have to worry about exporting data and the surveys are sent out on a rolling schedule.

The program also identifies “at-risk” clients using their algorithm, and you can track trends via portfolio or overall as an office as well as being benchmarked against other offices your size in your state.

The only downside I’ve found is it doesn’t survey tenants and once the data has been collected you are unable to export results from the program. We would love to be able to export the data so that when we receive responses we can either import into our promoter checklist and give to our BDM’s to gain more referrals, or have our demoters exported so our Team Leader can investigate issues and amend the relationship with the client.

Ailo have since introduced their own PM software, so perhaps you are able to access more features if you are using both of their products.


Hi Dan

Tenants - 7 month after tenancy commences and at vacating
Owners - email sent upon new tenant signing, then a survey at 4 months and also upon being with the company for one year


We use Ailo Insights and found it beneficial all round - it can be used for the growth team to work on and track new business as well as NPS scores - independent so that it is a third party collecting data - rather than our staff. Very pleased with this platform