Open door policy for mistakes

I know that it was trendy in the '90s to do the whole “Open Door Policy”, and I still talk to this in recruitment, training, etc. But the reality is that we need to be specific about what we want to have walk through our door…

Having an open-door policy for mistakes creates a culture of Property Managers collaborating, and sharing rather than hiding problems, and bearing the burdens alone.

@natalie who runs our business here in Auckland is very good at setting this tone for our team. We pay for issues or errors but in order to get that “Insurance Cover” for errors, the team needs to bring problems to us.

Do you have an Open Door Policy for Mistakes? How do you evangelize this to your team? and the big question, do your teem feel comfortable approaching you with errors.

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There is so much value in this @ashley.giles I have worked with many businesses where the team isn’t comfortable in coming forward about mistakes because in the past they have been blamed. The unlying issue, in most cases, is that they have not been trained in proper procedures so keep making mistakes.