Tenant Survey Results - Wendell's

We talk a lot about Customer Intimacy here at LPMA, but after doing the Business Breakthrough Program with Wendells my own business here in Auckland, I realized I was not walking the walk…

So, I am pleased that we have not only appointed a data and CX manager but we have also done our first round of measured tenant feedback surveys. I am waiting for Ailo to integrate with Palace so I have gone with a company in NZ called Umanest. (https://umanest.com)

In the spirit of sharing, here is our first round of feedback. I was told that this is often a “Purge” so all the bad stuff comes out first. I would love to know your thoughts and experience, and what you are doing in your business to get closer to understand your customer’s needs and expectations.


We definitely have some work to do to get these scores up, but it’s exciting to know where we need to focus our efforts as a business, and for the team to know also. (We also have portfolio by portfolio, DM me and I can share directly if you would like to know more)

I will keep you posted on how things go, but if you don’t have a system in place I strongly recommend you do, it’s better to know than to either speculate or ignore what is going on with your clients. Reach out the Ailo team as an LPMA member you might qualify for a free version depending on your Trust Account Software.

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That looks like a good result Ashley.


Thanks, @kelly, it’s a good start I think… Interestingly there are is some good feedback on what was not doing well, and what peoples expectations are around communication and maintenance, some good lessons.

The software also has the ability for people who score us well to be prompted to do online review, (so we have some good google reviews coming) but also they can choose to be contacted by management to discuss their complaint… We got several of each…

Overall, it’s better to know than not know, and it gives us something we can measure which is exciting rather than going on gut!

Hope your well, and thanks for joining the forums again.


I really love this product Ashley. I think @phil and his team have done a great job in creating a unique tool which gives us a great insight into the experience of our tenants. Highly recommend it!


Hi all,

Natalie here. I should add that this has been a very interesting experience for us as a business… Most of all the time it has taken to administer follow up to those who requested it.

To date, I have spent several hours on the phone with tenants, (its part of the purge of the first time we have done a consistent survey I am told) but it has been great to hear first hand our clients concerns and issues.

I am looking forward to our next mail out and hopefully seeing the improvement, but also the chance to connect with more of our clients who are having a less than perfect experience… What we don’t know, we cannot fix!
