Warm Fuzzies

Hi All

Has anyone got any experience working with Warm Fuzzies - either for Insulation or for the new HHS?


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Hey Oliver,

Ashley here. Yes, we have worked with them at Wendell’s.

We used them in the past for insulation, and had no problems at all. I have looked over all of their Healthy Homes System, and its very good. Comparivaly, they are pricy on the reports side of it, (we have several electricians and insulation companies offering it for free) but none of them have the Platform that Warm Fuzzies have built which I quite like.

Another good person to talk to on this is @pam and Adam from Iron Bridge, they have done a trial and have built a system for their market so may be able to sheed some light on it.

Hope this helps, happy to chat at any time a lot has changed in this space since I was down at your place a couple of months ago and we first addressed the assessments.

Cheers, (and welcome to the forums)

*Side note - I have moved your post to the private LPMA Members thread so people can speak freely about the good and bad of Warm Fuzzies without there being any chance they see. Cheers.

Awesome, thanks @ashley.giles !

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