H&S - Managing Coronavirus with your team

I know that the media has taken a lot of liberties with this recently, but wondering what we as businesses are doing (or should be doing) to support our team from staying healthy and un-infected.

Yesterday I did a session with a couple of LPMA business owners and put together these ideas, templates for inspections and viewings and cheat sheet.

I should note, this is in no way a bible or an official LPMA document, it’s just an example of what other offices are using and doing. Feel free to borrow, or stell any parts but do fact check and tailor to your office specifically.

I suggest referring to the W.H.O website for up to date information including treatments, symptoms and more.

It would be great to see what you are doing in your office, are you going down the protective gear route? or delaying routine inspections?

Thanks. Coronavirus - Best Practace.docx (1.6 MB)


Thank you for this great resource.